As for most home-made dishes, this Thermomix Gnocchi Recipe will add that extra-something to your meal!
Gnocchi are a well-known traditional Italian food, and are common all over the world although cooked in several different versions. Like most Italian dishes, you'll find considerable variation in recipes and names from region to region: in Tuscany there are malfatti (literally "poorly made") a sort of flour, ricotta, and spinach gnocchi while Puglia prefers the cavatielli which are flour-based, and so on.
The ones we all know about are potato gnocchi.
Of course, making home-made gnocchi from scratch requires a bit of time, but that's where your Thermie comes in handy, to save you heaps!
At my place, gnocchi are among everyone's favourite, and that makes me happy because is a reasonably light recipe: flour, water and potatoes. Plenty of fiber, minerals and vitamines!
You may dress gnocchi with simple tomato sauce or pesto. Choose your favourite dressing among all of the Thermomix Recipes ;-)
Let me know if you ever tried this recipe with a different flour, i.e. a gluten-free one.
- 700 g water- 800 g potatoes (chopped)
- 1 tsp salt
- 350 g plain flour
- 1 egg
- 50 g grated Parmesan cheese
Let's make our Gnocchi recipe
Pour 700 g water in the mixing bowl.Put 800 g potatoes (chopped) in the Varoma tray and cook 25 Min. Varoma Temp. Speed. 1.
If you prefer, cook the potatoes in a pressure cooker or boil them in a pan.
Drain cooking water, dry bowl, place potatoes in the mixing bowl with a tsp salt salt and mix 10 Sec. Speed. 4, using the spatula to mix.
Wait until the potatoes are completely cold.
Add 350 g plain flour and mix 20 Sec. Speed.6. If necessary, use the spatula.
Add 1 egg and 50 g grated Parmesan cheese and knead. 10 Sec. Speed. 3 to 4.
Arrange the dough on a pastry board, shape the rolls and cut them into pieces about 2 cm long.
Pass them on the tines of a fork and cook them in boiling water.
Gnocchi are cooked when they come to the surface from boiling water.
My Advice
If you fancy a change, add 100 gr boiled and blended spinach to the dough to make it green, or a boiled and blended beetroot to make it pink.You might also like a dressing of Champignon Mushroom Sauce.
To make the best gnocchi, choose white potatoes!
Translated from the Italian recipe Gnocchi Di Patate Bimby
Copyright: Thermomix Gnocchi Recipe from Thermomix Recipes
Photocredit: UmbriaLovers