Vol Au Vent filled with Tuna Mousse Thermomix

Would you like to prepare a cheap fish starter? Here you are these Vol Au Vent cases filled with Tuna Mousse.

This recipe involves cream cheese, like Philadelphia cheese that has become a must in our starters! This recipe has been created by Francesca from Rome.

You may also like these Erika's recipes, with Philadelphia Cheese too: Green Olives and Cheese Paté, Philadelphia, Tuna, Heavy Cream and Anchovies Sauce, Philadelphia and Salmon Mousse.

You can prepare vol au vent cases by yourself with Thermomix or you can buy them.


- 12 Vol Au Vent (you can prepare them by yourself with Thermomix or you can buy them)
- 250 g Dripped Tuna
- 100 g Philadelphia Cheese
- 3 Anchovies
- Half-Lemon Juice
- Salt (a little bit)

How to prepare Vol Au Vent filled with Tuna Mousse

Put tuna and anchovies in the mixing bowl while knives are moving. 10 Sec. Speed 8.

Add lemon juice, philadelphia cheese and salt. 30 Sec. Speed 6.

Let sit in the fridge for some hours before using it.

Put the mousse in a sac a poche and fill in the vol au vent cases.

My Advice

You can prepare vol au vent cases by using industrial or made by yourself puff pastry! Put a little bit of water on the second ring border and bake until leavened and a bit browned.

Translated from the Italian recipe:
Vol Au Vent con Mousse di Tonno Bimby