Peach Ice Cream with Thermomix

Do you like peaches as I do? Try this Peach Ice Cream! Made only of fruit and Greek yogurt is a light delicacy! Greek yogurt has got very good nutritional facts and it is particularly good if combined with fruit.

In short this ice cream does not contain too many fats but it is so creamy! Not that bad for an ice is perfect for those who always ask me for light and fat-free recipes ;-)))) Here is an ice cream recipe that does NOT contain cream, so hated by those ones who want to stay in shape.

During summer I usually take advantage of the season to buy lots of peaches. There many delicious and perfumed varieties that you're spoilt for choice!!! For instance I recently discovered FLAT peaches! In some Italian regions they are called "Tabacchiere" while in other they are called "Gallette". Did you ever seen them in your country?

Well then, you can prepare lots of delicious recipes with peaches especially children friendly ones: Peach Fruit Juice, Peach and Yogurt Cake and the Fruit Bavarois.

If you like Greek yogurt I suggest you try the Greek Yogurt Cake and the Sweet Cake with Venus Black Rice Flour.

If you like ice cream, you'll love also Apple Ice Cream or Chocolate Ice Cream recipes.


- 600 g peaches
- 100 g sugar
- 125 g unsweetened natural greek yogurt

How to prepare Peach Ice Cream

Peel peaches, cut them into pieces and freeze. Finally you must have 600 g peaches.

Put sugar into the mixing bowl and make it into icing sugar. 10 Sec. Speed 10

Add the frozen peaches and 125 g unsweetened natural greek yogurt using the spatula. Rrom Speed 1 to 7 for 15 Sec. until you have a well amalgamated mixture. Check the consistency.

Serve immediately.

Translated from the Italian recipe
Gelato alla Pesca col Bimby

Photocredit: jessicafm