Dough mode thermomix not working

dough mode thermomix not working
"Help!! My thermomix Dough mode is not working!!!!" It is a message that I have sometimes found privately on Facebook or Instagram. "Flavia, what can I have done?!?!"

I understand, when something is wrong with the Thermomix you immediately think about what one could have done to create the damage ...
In my experience when the Thermomix does not knead it is because these situations occur:
- the mixing knife is broken (stripped)
- the dough is really too thick
- the ingredients in the mixing bowl are too hot

What happens when the Thermomix does not knead

How can you tell which of the options is right for you? If the mixing knife is broken, it doesn't necessarily mean it won't work at other speeds. Sometimes it is like this, sometimes it almost seems that the mixing knife is unable to “engage” the reverse speed (remember? The Dough Mode works by alternating clockwise and reverse speed).

If the problem is the dough, you will hear the engine start and, from time to time, try to work. The TM5 also produces a sort of muffled “beep”, as if the Thermomix were saying “I'm trying but I can't”. It happens to me with dense doughs.

How to do if the Dough Function not working?

Change the broken mixing knife

In the first case the solution is to change the mixing knife, but before doing so, to be sure that this is the problem, you can do this (unofficial advice): ask a friend who has the same model as you to lend you her blades and try them on your Thermomix to make, for example, a basic pizza dough. If they work, the problem is probably the blades!

thermomix knead function not working

Correct the dough in the Thermomix

In the second case, the solution I adopt (and which I recommend) is to spatulate while the Thermomix is kneading, to help it mix the dough just enough to make it a little softer.
In other recipes I add a couple of spoonfuls of the ingredient that needs to hydrate (liquids or egg whites) and which in the recipe is added in the next step. Often these are, in fact, egg whites that must be added to the mix of powders and egg yolks whipped at a later time.
thermomix knead function not working

Wait for the ingredients to get cold

It seems trivial to remember, but the dough mode only works below 60C, for safety reasons. So, if you have to knead by adding powders to a boiling liquid, you can't! You have to wait for it to reach safe temperature.
The internal system of the Thermomix, in fact, disables some functions when we choose the dough mode: the heating, the Turbo speed and Reverse Speed.
Well, I hope with this I have helped you to identify the problem! Good cooking :-)

Translated from the Bimby non impasta: la velocità spiga non funziona!
Copyright: Dough mode thermomix not working from Thermomix Recipes
Photocredit: Thermomix Recipes