Thermomix Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

Thermomix Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

Do you love strawberries like me? You must try this yummy strawberry ice cream recipe!

It's an Egg-Free Strawberry Ice Cream.

If you want to try other recipes to prepare a strawberry ice cream, maybe with yoghurt or without milk, have a look to this recipe: Strawberry Ice Cream: All the Recipes to Prepare It with Thermomix.

If you're searching for other recipes with strawberry, try the strawberry jam, the strawberry milkshake, strawberry tart with lemon, the strawberry sorbet, the strawberry ice lollies.


- 400 g frozen strawberries
- 400 g frozen whole milk, in cubes
- 150 g sugar
- juice of 1 lemon

How to prepare Thermomix Strawberry Ice Cream

Wash 400 g strawberries well and freeze them.

Freeze 400 g whole milk in cubes.

Remove strawberries from the freezer 5 Min. before you need them.

Remove milk cubes just at the moment you have to use them.

Put 150 g sugar in the mixing bowl and grind 10 Sec. Speed 9.

Add strawberries, milk cubes and the juice of one lemon and mix 30 Sec. Speed 7.

This mixture must be well amalgamated. If this time is not enough you may need to gather the mixture with the spatula and continue a few Sec. more at Speed 7.

Stir 20 Sec. Speed 4.

Ready to eat!

Copyright: Thermomix Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe from Thermomix Recipes
Photocredit: Thermomix Recipes